Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Technology interests

The area of media/technology I'm interested in is probably mostly like video editing and social media. I like this blog thing and I like other social media platforms like tumblr and instagram a little bit... I've got facebook I just hate it.
I love editing music and video with technology everything that I've done with editing I'm mostly proud of.
I appreciate those two things
The thing that I am most interested in participating in is probably working on the physical computers and learning about how they work and coding. I'm really interested in learning code.


Wow okay so I guess this was supposed to be my first post.
So my name is Anna and I am a junior this year and taking a computer class.
The purpose of this blog is to kind of just blog I guess. I can tell I'm not going to be making a post like everyday probably but I'll try to just talk about stuff going on.
I'm not totally sure really. I'll just see what happens....

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I just found this screenshot of a text I sent from camp and I think it is the most important text I sent from that place this year.


So I got an app today called catfacts
It sends people a fact about cats every 15 minutes
I'm having a lot of fun.


My sisters went out to have ice cream with my neighbor this weekend while I was at the state fair.
She asked them how their summer was, and they said it was good, they stayed up late every night, and one night they stayed up so late that the horses on their calander started moving.